FCS Education Online Course Repository

FCS Education Online Course Repository

The National Partnership to Recruit, Prepare, and Support FCS Educators seeks to facilitate collaborative relationships with educational institutions to provide online courses for people who want to teach FCS courses at the middle and high school levels. Some states no longer provide FCS teacher preparation courses. The National Partnership seeks the help of post-secondary institutions in making online courses available to students who would otherwise not have an opportunity to prepare to teach FCS.

Courses in the online bank could satisfy licensure requirements* addressing the following content areas:

  • Culinary arts, hospitality, and tourism;
  • Education and training;
  • Food science and nutrition;
  • Health management and wellness;
  • Housing and interior design;
  • Human/child development and family relations; 
  • Personal and family finance; and
  • Textiles, apparel and retailing.

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Memorandum of Agreement

Memorandum of Agreement

*Please note that verification that the course meets the requirements for the state in which licensure is sought will be the responsibility of the student taking the course.

Universities wishing to list  their online courses in the respository should complete the institutional application.