North Dakota

North Dakota

Contact Information:

North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board
2718 Gateway Avenue, Suite 204
Bismarck, ND  58503-0585
Phone:  (701) 328-9641
Fax:  (701) 328-9647
Contact Email

Certification Types:  

License Types and Descriptions

Alternative Certification:

Alternate Pathway

Teacher Prep Program/Courses:

No Information Provided

FCS Education Programs:

North Dakota State University


“If you have completed a transcripted teacher education program, we will need a copy of your valid and current out-of-state teaching license and Confirmation of Other State Educator License form completed by your state's licensure agency. If you have completed an alternative certification program in another state and hold a valid license in that state, you will need to complete our Praxis I and Praxis II testing requirements for your content area(s) prior to being issued an OSEL in North Dakota. Apply online and the system will let you know what information is needed.”

NOTICE: This page was last updated October 2022. Updates, additions, and/or corrections should be emailed to