Curriculum Library

Curriculum Library 

Guidelines for Submissions

Curriculum developers, providers, and publishers are invited to submit application(s) for their product(s) to be included in the online FCS Curriculum Catalog.  Providers will identify how their curriculum products align with FCS National Standards 3.0 and provide information about the curriculum product, the provider, and how to source the product(s). Applications may be completed and submitted online at any time for review and potential posting to the online catalog, which will be updated quarterly.

The completed evaluation tool (rubric) will be published with the curriculum link in the online catalog.  Curriculum products are evaluated on the curriculum’s alignment with FCS and CTE, overall instructional design, and the correlation to the national standards as noted below:

Library Submissions

The library is current under revision and maintenance.

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Alignment to FCS and CTE Principles and Values Rubric

The following questions relate to the alignment to FCS and CTE principles and values. 
  • Is the curriculum product aligned to Family and Consumer Sciences National Standards 3.0 and is the alignment clearly identified?
  • Are industry connections, including trainings and certifications, clearly identified and validated in the curriculum product?
  • Is the Work Based continuum clearly integrated into the curriculum product?
  • Is the curriculum product aligned to employability skills and 21st century skills?
  • Does the curriculum product incorporate career ready practices?

Instructional Design Rubric

The following questions relate to instructional design and resources available with the curriculum.
  • Is the curriculum product organization and design clear, current, coherent, and presented in a developmentally appropriate way?
  • Did the curriculum product have a rigorous vetting process including stakeholder review? If yes, describe the stakeholders involved.
  • Does the curriculum product provide active learning strategies to engage students, foster deeper understanding, and meet the needs of diverse learners?
  • Does the curriculum product incorporate multiple forms of assessment that are aligned to learning objectives? (Including but not limited to performance-based assessment, summative assessments, formative assessments, etc.)
  • Does the curriculum product accommodate unique learning styles, address various cognitive ability levels, and provide scaffolding techniques?
  • Does the curriculum product provide additional resources and supplemental materials?

Correlation to FCS National Standards 3.0

Identify the standards and competencies from each FCS Area of Study that are directly taught or supported through the curriculum product
  • 1.0 Career, Community and Family Connections
  • 2.0 Consumer and Family Resources
  • 3.0 Consumer Services
  • 4.0 Education and Early Childhood
  • 5.0 Facilities and Property Management
  • 6.0 Family
  • 7.0 Family and Human Services
  • 8.0 Food Production and Services
  • 9.0 Food Science, Dietetics and Nutrition
  • 10.0 Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation
  • 11.0 Housing and Interior Design
  • 12.0 Human Development
  • 13.0 Interpersonal Relationships
  • 14.0 Nutrition and Wellness
  • 15.0 Parenting
  • 16.0 Textiles, Fashion and Apparel
  • 17.0 Reasoning for Action and Process Questions