Online FCS Education Graduate Program

Online Family and Consumer Sciences Education Master's Degree Programs

The online Family and Consumer Sciences Education Master’s Degree program has more than 15 years of success in producing high-quality, award-winning graduates. The curriculum is relevant, the faculty are experts who have worked in family and consumer sciences (FCS), and employers trust that this program produces educators and Extension professionals who are prepared to work with families, communities, and individuals across their lifespan.

Whether you are already in the FCS classroom and looking to expand your knowledge, working in the Cooperative Extension profession, or working in a related field and hoping to become an FCS professional, our online degree options are flexible and convenient so you can work toward your education and career goals while balancing family and work.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education IDEA courses may also be used to help students fulfill education pedagogy needs for secondary teacher licensure in family and consumer sciences. Courses address topics such as teaching methods, instructional technology, and history and philosophy of the FCS profession. Applicants should check with the home institution academic adviser to ensure courses meet the requirements from the state where they are seeking licensure.

The Innovative Digital Education Alliance (IDEA) is a consortium of respected and accredited universities offering flexible, affordable online degree programs for students from diverse backgrounds. Each university brings a unique strength in faculty and curriculum to the multi-institution program.

Students choose a home university where they apply, are admitted, register for courses, and receive their degree. Online courses are taught by nationally recognized faculty in the participating universities. Students pay a common price per credit hour regardless of which university is their degree-granting institution.